The Madonna Eye Lift: A Special Offer Just In Time For Christmas!

Your eyes may be the ‘windows of your soul’ but they are also the ‘mirrors of your age’. Rejuvenate them with the Madonna Eye Lift; a non-surgical, highly effective procedure carried out here at the Royal Tunbridge Wells Skin & Laser Clinic.

When it comes to anti-ageing, many people are turning to non-invasive procedures not just because of the cost and lower down-time, but because they are becoming so incredibly effective! One such procedure is the Madonna Eye Lift, which can help keep the surgeon away for quite for a bit longer.

The Best Laser Technology in the UK

At the Royal Tunbridge Wells Skin & Laser Clinic we perform this procedure with the DEKA SmartXide2 CO2 Laser & RF System; one of the most advanced fractional CO2 Lasers with radio frequency in the world. It performs what has become known in some countries as 'DOT therapy' or simply 'the DOT'. We are the only clinic in the UK who currently has this technology and for one reason only; it is truly unrivalled when it comes to results.

The 'DOT' has a variety of functions including; the treatment of acne scarring and skin tightening, pores & wrinkle reduction on the face, neck, décolleté, peri-oral area to remove wrinkles around the mouth and peri-ocular area to treat wrinkles and sagging skin around the eye area.  However, the ‘Madonna Eye Lift’ procedure was one of the main reasons Dr Nina Sheffield, decided to purchase this very special equipment at FACE 2012 this year.

What Results Can You Expect from The Madonna Eye Lift?

The Madonna Eye Lift diminishes symptoms of ageing eyes by not only removing wrinkles and tightening the eyelid's skin, but it also taking away dark circles, and providing patients with an instant and refreshing eyebrow lift. This procedure is a real alternative to plastic surgery with a very similar, if not better result (no scars or complications).  During plastic surgery, the excess of skin will be removed and then the skin will be stitched together, leaving what will eventually be some scarring on the upper and/or lower eyelids.

The DEKA SmartXide2 CO2 Laser & RF System will treat only a fraction of the skin at a time. The Laser will remove the excess skin by drilling many minuscular holes (thinner than human hair) deep into the dermis and simultaneously deliver heat to shrink and close these tiny holes. Effectively removing a similar amount of extra skin as the plastic surgeon will excise during Blepharoplasty; but evenly and without scars, unwanted asymmetry and with less complications and recovery time.

Moreover, CO2 laser light will contract old collagen in the wrinkles and the wound healing process will stimulate new collagen production, thereby bringing improvements to the skin tone and texture. This process will continue for 3-6 months after the procedure. In most of the cases only one procedure will be needed; however, the number of treatments required will vary from patient to patient.

As this treatment is still relatively new to accurately predict long-term benefits is very difficult. We expect results will last up to five years and may be longer with good skin maintenance.  To prolong and increase the effective of this procedure, Dr Sheffield recommends the Madonna Eye Lift in conjunction with Botox to produce an even faster result; the toxin will relax the muscles so the laser can enhance collagen remodelling and skin tightening.

Madonna Lift - (before)
Madonna Lift (after)

Treatment Suitability and After Effects

This quick procedure is not entirely painless, but the pain is well-managed with topical aesthetic cream and forced refrigerated air. The procedure is appropriate for people of all skin types and all ages. A common side effect is that you get redness and puffy skin for several days which is easily covered with makeup. Age is also not an issue; patients of all ages from 30 to 80 have been successfully treated.

A Very Special Offer for November

The Royal Tunbridge Wells Skin & Laser Clinic is offering 30% discount on the Madonna Lift and all other CO2 laser treatments throughout November 2012 – just in time for looking your best for the party season!  For further details contact; the Royal Tunbridge Wells Skin & Laser Clinic on 01892 22 22 22, or visit

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